Important projects Natural Blood Cycle Komín War Zone Day when the snow fall on the burning field Proun Space Station text Curtain Curtain Inspiration pdf Monument of Peter the Great Steely Head Hammock Loom / State Prague subway Proposal For the Reconstruction of the Filter in Dolní Vítkovice Architectural model exhibited at EXPO The original condition of the filter in Dolní Vítkovice The proposal for transform of Dolní Vítkovice Visualization of future filter rebuild Rhino Horns Made From Billions of Chinese hair Start of the Proun TV Oracle Unwanted fascination Vajra Plane Wild dreams – Gallery Rudolfinum Pec na chleba za sochy Stalina Divine Skateboard history Nesmírné miniatury Charlie’s Proun Ecstasy Memorial to the Victims of the Russian Mafia Pohled do instalace Nature BBCNN Dech v kleci Anatomical monster study Chilli Lens Holy dolls Installation view Ei-Dam Grape Lily (Vine) Harness for a Werewolf Modern minerals Shopping Un-poled leave Sci – fi exposition Auction Discs Constricted Contemporary Baby Carriage Feedbacked programme Installation view Komercional The phantom of a séance The Three Graces Invention Slumhouse, Kioskhouse Spray man Anachronistic radio Balcony Endless Ski Slope Holy Hill Installation view Letatlin in a Cage Sidewalk Lighting Technician Texty Drawings Gagarin’s thing Memorial Statue of Gagarin’s Thing Sience Others Gagarin’s Thing in Soviet Union Spaces From the Exhibition Gagarin’s Things Pdf Ninetees Artphobia Binds Mecca Sand Cake Nobody Readable Performance Pressso Phoenixies Head 2 Aerodynamic cable Dementalita Boss Kuwait Oil Effect Cloud Rider Player Untitled Happyend Shoes Nobody Readable The Luxury of Grief Spirit of the East in the West Overground Biodems The Gop Flying story Photo Flash Fashion Explosion Bruised Flowers Pegasus Semtex Sentimentol Notting Hill From the Heart Damien’s jacket Last Hair Super Surface Ride Heroin Crystal Cocktails IN Pincushions Au Pair Medusa’s Room Slow – tech ALTERNATIVE SCHIZOPHRENIA PRODUCED IN SERIES Plasters Powerbank SCI – FI . SONY CAT LATRINE PROGRESS HOME EXPLOSION FIRST SCHIZOPHRENIA PRODUCED IN SERIES PANASONIC EMOTIONS SONY GARDEN Office NEURO NET Photography #4926 (no title) Self-Breathing (Čeština) Dokumenty Cumulations Inside Protuberances Real mini malism Real minimalism Real minimalism – Exhibition The Opposite of Déjà Vu Project IFO Sculptures and objects Ei – Dam WOW (Čeština) Nechtěná fascinace Anachronistic radio Baby Carrige Boomerangs Buddha Made From Dust Dolls Double Weightlessness Ecstasy Gravitation Fairies Oral Mirage Rhino Horns Made From Billions of Chinese Hair Sharp Flakes Vajra Plane Wallet Eaten by a Golden Retriever Paintings 3D Painting Minimax 2 Angular Hell Complicated Connections Contact painting Alternator of east to west from Nikola Tesla Contact Painting Contact Panting Dolby Painting Samples Sanders Semmering Trans American railway Trans-Siberian Railway Selfpainting Shelfs Dobytí dantova pekla Thorem Hayerdahalem Police (Čeština) Věčné putování rómů do Valhaly (Čeština) Výstup na K2 očima Trockého action panting Action Ends Meteobody Painting Thriller Painting Even More Action Filling Flying Medium High Voltage Potential Painting Print Sticking Plaster The In-Visible Three Seconds from Spiderman 3 Diffused cluster Filter Internal Painting Inertal Painting – plastic and metal Internal Paintings – wood Inverse Comics Storms Mandrakes Minimax and Minimals Minimax 1 Minimax 2 Minimax 3 Minimax 3 Minimax 3 Minimax 4 Curled Edges Microminimal Optical Errors Painting From the Mass of Colors Painting on canvas Caricatures Epic Cartoons Romantic Cartoons Chaotic Ornaments Fluid Pictures Fluid Map Fluid Paintings 1996 – 1998 Hurricanes Oil on Canvas Track Images Re – evolution Bin Ladin’s Lamp Tales of Seepless Nights Polychrome colors Pre – painting William Advertisements Antennas Pre – Painting Wrecks SCI – FI painting SCI – FI Anunnaki Colossal Covenant Ghost in the Shell Oddysey Solaris Connected installations, texts For Twilight Interstellar White Window Blade Runner 2 Blade Runner 3 Blade Runner 4 (Čeština) Malby v srsti Dharmanautica Sun Shine Light Spoiler Oil in Fur Quantum Foam for Days Tron Alergic Strokes Mini Developed Paintings Immense strokes Non – Action Non – Painting Snow Strokes Stroke by Proun Strokes (feather) Tapes Trans-Assemblage MoveTrans-asamblážový tah Instant red sky Tiles and panels Ambient Echo Centrifugal panel Dynamic Tiles Icon-shaker Oscillating picture Plywood in Color Poltergeister Collection of Minerals Poltergeists mineral collection 1 The State of an Attractive Contempt Krabat’s Bottom Gagarin’s letter Literature Jehelníčky Videus ABS Video Catalog Bibliophilia of Charles Bernstein’s Poems Bibliophilia of Poems by Michel Butort Dolby Painting Gagarin’s Thing Komercional Mafioso and Stromboli Non – Utopian Plans Wild Dreams Congo North (Čeština) Afrika (Čeština) Čechy Big World of Small Figures Experiments (Čeština) Light Infusion (Čeština) Light Infusion Světla Lighting, projectiles (Čeština) Památník Viktoru Ullmannovi (Čeština) Průchodová svastika Melting of the Number One Floral church Illuminated Light Immense Screw Memorial to Josiph Plečnik Memorial to Maria Bartošová Mourning Trio Sidewalk Theatrical Lighting Technician Sprey man FINAL TECHNICAL REPORT Beginnigs 1987-1994 Performance Between Last Supper and Breakfast in the Grass Torch Transfusion Water Player Exhibition Minimax Waterfall, Meteo Body Painting Electropainting Video – performance Meteo Body Painting Monstrum Between the Last Supper and Breakfast in the Grass Make-up of the Fata Morana The Largest Print in the World Lowman 1 and 2 Objects Dictionary of Star Language Inf Art Overcomplicated Connection Surplus Value Vaseline Pools Soliloquy Painting x Invisible Potential Painting Process Devices Line Trans Mother Dawn Condenser Doll Inhalation Dreams or Death Fluid Carpet Foam of Days St. Miss Vacuum Tube Kite of Insect White Sky in Underground Visual Poetry Brace Fixation Wing Fuel Gag Helmet To Cut The Sky Tongue Pouch Tears For Africa OUT HOUSE Commercial Branch of the Secret Service Video NFT TV Burning Videovizions Putinka Skyscrapper The Circulation of Lenin The Endless Ski Slope Victoria Watterfall White Tower Anachronistic News sci-fi videos Butterflies & Flowers Telekinesis Psychogravitation Would you please give me something you wouldn’t regret? ABS video Melting Loading… Train station Platform Tower block Impossibilities Invisible Defect films Dad defects Flame and Adidas Hex Enigma Father Concept for Czech pavilion in Venice 2011 Psycho gravitation METEOBODY PAINTING CV Anatomy of Entities 3D Drawings Architectural Drawings and Plans Drawings and Plans 2000 – 2016 Drawings and Plans 2017 … Jiří Černický’s Diagram of Intermediality Proposals for monumental sculpture projects