Illuminated Light, 2010, fire, glass, light, wood, metal reflective film
This artistic experiment was carried out as part of the festival in the public space and lasted about 90 min. A hole was dug in the ground with a diameter of about 140 cm and a depth of about 70 cm. It was then covered with a metal reflective film, on which the artist installed a large number of powerful theatrical reflectors. Two glass plates were placed above the lights. The lower one was made of shatterproof tempered glass and the upper one of heat-resistant glass. Then a stack of wood was placed on the upper glass plate and a fire was lit. The viewers could watch a strange phenomenon. Against the background of intense artificial light, the flames of the fire disappeared and their presence could only be felt from the crackling embers and small flames flickering just above the black embers. Wherever the light of the fire came against the background of the artificial light, the flames ceased to be visible. However, the viewers got the irrefutable proof of their presence by roasting sausages where the flames would normally be seen.

The beginning of the experiment, the establishment of the fire


detail plamenů
The first flash of fire

detail světel

Light through hot coals

The first flash of fire. Detail.

Situation of the place the next day