Television oracle, 2018, environmental performance, combined technique, variable dimensions

Work desk of Oracle . In this case, it is used to predict the economic prosperity of the client. Props for divination.
This installation is based on the aesthetics of television studios designed for the divination of an oracle. These are night programs in which an oracle (most often a woman) communicates with television viewers and attempts to help them using magical, esoteric or healing techniques. Such studios have a distinct and unique appearance based on the ideas of the particular oracle. The designers bring into play magical ritual objects, fetishes, living plants, witchcraft symbols or mysterious signs in the form of ancient alphabets and languages.

Oracle TV Studio
This specific studio is designed for Polish public television. It was created in cooperation with the Arsenal Gallery in Białystok. Its mere existence has caused embarrassment in a country with deeply rooted Catholicism. What was significant, however, was that the dominant installation on the table consisted of oracular glass spheres filled with soil preserved in special liquid, which the artist himself had collected at sites associated with the greatest, one might say fatal, Polish tragedies. It is therefore interesting to imagine what the television viewer experienced when the oracle divined from the sediment collected, for example, under the transmitter in Gliwice. This place is linked to the invasion of Poland by Nazi Germany, which led to the start of the Second World War.

Oracle Bialystok
The Polish oracle, foretelling the future of Arsenale gallery visitors from the fingers of Polish cities.

Work desk of Oracle

Věštebné koule naplněné zeminou z míst, kde se staly největší tragédie Polska.
Divination from a crystal balls filled with soil from the places where Poland’s greatest tragedies took place.

The Witch in the Arsenale Gallery

The Prague oracle specialized in advice related to clients’ economic prosperity.
