Double Weightlessness


Double Weightlessness, 2020, mixed media, 25 x 12 x 14 cm


Prenatální kosmonaut

Prenatální kosmonaut


A small “levitating” sculpture of an astronaut called Double Weightlessness gives the impression of floating in a state of weightlessness by its installation in the gallery space. The uncanny little hunched figure looks very strange with its unusually large head. It is not a miniature of an astronaut, but the real size of a child in the prenatal stage of development. This unnatural and, one could say, magical object gives the impression not only of weightlessness in outer space, but also of a situation similar to that of a baby in the womb just before birth.


Kosmonaut v prostoru

Cosmonaut in space


Cosmonaut before birth

Dvojitý stav beztíže

Double weightlessness

