Minimax 1, 1998, 150 × 160 × 6 cm, synthetic on canvas, plastic, metal
“Minimax” is a picture combining in itself two contradictory radical principles: 1. Minimalism and 2. Maximalism. 1/ The picture appears to be empty from the front, but when we go past it, a maximalist accumulation of many things appears on its edge, revealing that the emptiness of the picture is an illusion.
Also important is the dynamism, with which Minimalism is not usually associated. The Maximalism of “Minimax” is the fuel of Minimalism and gives it dynamism alien to it, allowing the viewer to have a feeling that the picture is flying across the wall. The surface of the picture reverberates with internal dynamic processes.
The black “Minimax” has the color of the oily darkness of night. Inside, however, it is filled with glowing big city lights.
1/ I refer to the ideas of Frank Stella. He was one of the pioneers of Minimalism. When, however, it became mainstream in his eyes, after 1970 he coined the term Maximalism as ironic opposition to Minimalism. Thus he called his new works of a relief, accumulative character.
Minimax 1, 1998, 150 × 160 × 6 cm, synthetic on canvas, plastic, metal
Minimax 1, 2010, 150 × 170 × 10 cm, synthetic on canvas, plastic, metal
Minimax 1, 2011, 110 × 120 × 7 cm, synthetic on canvas, plastic, metal
Minimax 1 – detail, 2004, 150 × 160 × 6 cm synthetic on canvas, plastic, metal
Minimax 1, 2008, 120 × 60 cm synthetic on canvas, plastic, glass
Black Minimax 1, 2010, 120 × 160 cm synthetic on canvas, plastic, metal