Painting From the Mass of Colors


Painting From the Mass of Colors, (a painting created by layering colored areas), 2014, 120 x 85 x 10 cm, acrylic and filler.

The last top color is white. Its surface is disturbed in several places to show the underlying colored layers.


Painting From the Mass of Colors, 2014, 120 x 85 x 10 cm, acrylic and filler.

Obraz z hmoty

Painting From the Mass of Colors, 2014, 120 x 85 x 10 cm, acrylic and filler, detail.



Obraz z hmoty

Painting From the Mass of Colors, 2020, 120 x 85 x 10 cm, acrylic and filler.

Obraz z hmoty

Painting From the Mass of Colors, 2020, 120 x 85 x 10 cm, acrylic and filler.