

Dolls, 2004–2016, 250 x 200 x 50 cm, mixed media



Memorial to the Victims of Religious Repression — 2004

The memorial is a group sculpture consisting of two classical statues of the Virgin  Mary and one statue of a bicycle, integrally connecting them.

The statues are connected with the bicycle at the imaginary central part of the heads of the saints. At these places supporting structures inside the statues will be

interconnected with axes forming the center of the wheels of the bicycle. This will make a kinetic halo, which can be activated whenever the cyclist starts pedaling the


In this way a kind of simulator will be created, which is to be used mainly by representatives of various churches to undo the sins committed by their predecessors. However, they can be helped basically by anyone who really cares about the churches and their good name.

The statues should be made of rigid material, preferably of bronze, in order to provide for the safety of the user of the simulator and at the same time to minimize damage caused by the intensive use of the memorial. Spokes of the wheels should be gold plated so that the halos would brighten in rotation.

I recommend to situate the memorial at some prominent place near a sacred building. During removing, undoing sins it is highly advisable to recite a prayer designated for this purpose by the priest. In the absence of such a competent person one can recite the Lord’s Prayer.


Dolls, 2004–2016, 250 x 200 x 50 cm, mixed media


Dolls, 2004–2016, 250 x 200 x 50 cm, mixed media