Even More Action


Even More Action


This series of paintings develops Pollock’s style or technique of action painting.

The author assumes that in reality Pollock’s paintings are not action paintings at all, because they are static when finished. Therefore, only the artist is action, not the painting. He therefore suggests the possibilities of creating true action paintings based on Pollock’s aesthetics.


09 Akčnější det. - 2010, silikon na plátně a perspexu.

Even More Action, 2010, detail, silicone on canvas and perspex.

From the test with Spiderman’s web in a glass, it was not far to the showcase, where the action of the color could be even more noticeable. In the first painting of this type from 2009, I allowed Spiderman’s web to move in a defined space in front of the painting. A year later, I also lent Pollock’s color to the web and also tried to imitate his way of rhythmizing the painting surface. However, unlike Pollock, in my experiment the painting itself changes depending on the movement of the viewer.


Even More Action, 2010, detail, silicone on canvas and perspex.

Even More Action, 2010, 2 × 160 × 110 cm, silicone on canvas and perspex

A year later, I also lent Pollock’s color to the web and also tried to imitate his way of rhythmizing the painting surface. However, unlike Pollock, in my experiment the painting itself changes depending on the movement of the viewer.


Even More Action, 2010, detail, silicone on canvas and perspex.



10 Akčnější - 2012, 3x160x110 cm, silikon na plátně a perspexu.

Even More Action, 2012, 3 × 160 × 110 cm, silicone on canvas and perspex.

A year later, I also lent Pollock’s color to the web and also tried to imitate his way of rhythmizing the painting surface. However, unlike Pollock, in my experiment the painting itself changes depending on the movement of the viewer.


11 Akční konstruktivismus - 2012, 61x81x10 cm, silikon na plátně a perspexu.

Even More Action, 2012, 70 x 55 cm, silicone on canvas and perspex.

Even More Action, 2012, 160 × 110 cm, silicone on canvas and perspex, detail.