Bruised Flowers


Bruised Flowers, (kinetic puppet) – 1998, 450 x 160 x 250 cm, hair, plastic, ventilators, CD walkmen.

were made in cooperation with the association u”Rosa.” The program of this organization is to help victims of domestic violence. Thanks to this I had the opportunity to attain authentic recordings from telephone links on which a woman battered by her husband (flower no. 1) was conversing together with a worker of this organization who was trying to help her (flower no. 2). In some places I had to digitally alter the recording so that the testimony would not be too intimate and the battered wife would not feel discredited. The puppet is not only an acoustic, but also a kinetic object. The flowers whirl and turn horizontally, so the puppet with joints looks as if it were coiling itself up, dodging and curling. Thanks to the high frequency of the spinning flowers, the air flows where the puppet is located in strong waves. The stems of the flowers are braided from the woman’s hair. If you bend down closer to the braids and barrettes, you will hear coming from them, as if from a distance, some golden oldie hits about love by J. Lennon and W. Houston.


