Hybrid Line


Hybrid Line, 1993, 850 x 160 x 70 cm, mixed media.


It is a land-art object thematizing a line in the landscape. The purpose of this temporary experiment was to develop this line into alternative forms so that it becomes more multifaceted or heterogeneous.



Although the line runs continuously in the same direction, in this case it is made up of three levels. The central element of the whole object is a fireplace. It represents the first line located on the surface of the earth, but at the same time it has a major influence on the other two lines. It produces the red pigment by burning the fine clay, which then colors the whole line.



The second line runs underground. It consists of a sunken iron trough filled with the red pigment produced by burning the clay in the fire. At the same time, it is illuminated from the inside with halogen light, which represents a reverberation of the fire.



The third line on the other side of the fireplace consists of a long narrow iron trough. Its width corresponds with the underground line. In it, the same red pigment is dissolved in the water, which boils or foams because of the flames of the fire. When the chemical reaction produces a white foam, it falls from the trough into the white flowers below, where it disappears in the flowerbed.


Line night

Hybrid Line, 1993, 850 x 160 x 70 cm, mixed media, night view.


Line night

Line night

Line night