Condenser for the Red Sky


Condenser for the Red Sky, 1993, 600 x 150 x 240 cm, glass, liquid, metal, textile, condenser motor.

The purpose of this process instrument is to convert the sunset glow, i.e. the meteorological phenomenon occurring in the evening sky, into liquid form. At sunset, the sky takes on hues of red, pink or orange, and it has been the artist’s idea to extract this very specific quality of the red sky into a physical form, in this case liquid (paint).


26 rudá

Condenser for the Red Sky, 1993, 600 x 150 x 240 cm, glass, liquid, metal, textile, condenser motor.

The instrument consists of three parts:

1   A specific panel, which is a combination of a condenser and a solar collector. In this part of the instrument, the liquefaction of the red sky takes place with the help of heat, provided, of course, that the conditions are optimal both in geographic and meteorological terms. The instrument must be switched on at the right time and at such distance so that the panel can capture the red substance. On the other hand, this boundary must not be exceeded in order for the sky to maintain its characteristic red color. This is the so-called red sky interface. An integral part of the panel is a specific fabric that keeps the extracted substance in liquid form and transports it upwards into the curved arm by capillary rise.



2   The curved arm is able to perfectly absorb the red paint from the panel and transport it to the peak of the curved arm by means of capillaries of the fabric. The fluid is subsequently separated from the fabric and flows down into the rotator.



3   The rotator is essentially a combination of a mixer and a homogenizer. Its function is not only to accumulate the substance which drops into the rotating vessel from the outlet of the curved arm, but also to keep the resulting paint in a consistent form and at the desired viscosity.


Instalace červánky . Obecní dum 2

25 rudá


28 Rudá

Condenser for the Red Sky, 1993, 600 x 150 x 240 cm, glass, liquid, metal, textile, condenser motor.


27 rudá