Drawings and Plans 2017 …
Catholic Euthanasia Machine, 2020, 111 x 121 cm. ink and gold paint on paper.
It is a combination of the Thanatron, a euthanasia machine designed by American physician Jack Kevorkian, and a Christian ritual device inspired by the form of a reliquary.
The purpose of the machine is to allow terminally ill people to die graciously and, if possible, painlessly. The important thing is that they can do this of their own free will, without someone else being responsible for their death.
It is the sacred and spiritual dimension of this artifact that is supposed to help the dying person not to feel remorse for taking his life that was given to him through no choice of his own. Thanks to this device suffering can be overcome through Christian love for one’s neighbor in a merciful way thanks to the absence of unnecessary suffering.
The device is not only functional and safe, it also has an aesthetic, symbolic and, by extension, spiritual value that can have a profound spiritual effect on the dying person.
It has been made from precious materials endowed with extraordinary mystical and spiritual energetic power which has the potential to facilitate a peaceful transition of the dying person to the “other side”. First of all, it is pure gold, crystal, amethyst, ruby, sapphire, but also perfectly crafted gems and noble enamels.
The device is decorated in the hermetic tradition by symbolic figures of the archangels Michael, Gabriel, Raphael and Uriel who guarantee patient the presence of divine mercy to the patient.
This extraordinary piece of work is crowned by five doves resting on transparent crystal balls symbolizing the transcendent presence of the Holy Spirit.
- Saline solution – sodium chloride – to relax the patient.
- Thiopental – sleep-inducing barbiturate, a derivative of barbituric acid. The timer is triggered and the patient is put into a deep coma.
- A lethal dose of potassium chloride stops the patient’s heart.
The wall of the pressure vessel of a nuclear reactor serves as the acoustic body of a musical instrument, similar to a bell, for example. Sound frequencies are picked up by acoustic transducers and sent to amplifiers.
The bundles of fuel rods in the cartridges are modified to meet the most demanding acoustic standards. For this purpose, the zirconium alloys used to coat the rods are used.
Sound is driven into the rods by a compressor in order to pass through them evenly. The frequencies of the sound are further modified by a modulator at the top of the pipe depending on how the whole bundle shall be tuned (high pitch, low pitch).
The individual sections of the reactor are adjusted with the utmost precision to meet the most rigorous criteria for the structure of a master organ, with emphasis placed on maximum energy and acoustic performance. In this respect, this organ is the most powerful musical instrument in the world – approximately 3 times more powerful than the organ in the Atlantic City Boardwalk Hall in the USA.
A multipipe consists of (1) a foot, (2) a body, and (3) a core.
Plough to Dig Dirt with One’s Mouth
The automatic plough gives the driver a real opportunity to experience the feeling of digging dirt with his mouth.
The machine is equipped with an adjustable bar that can be used to control the ploughing depth. It is possible to swivel the bar sideways to influence the direction of movement of the machine.
The machine is built from the frame, axle, shaft and wheels of a 1957 Motorobot PF-62 tractor. It is powered by a two-stroke internal combustion engine of 5 hp, i.e., 3.73 kW. This guarantees aggressive noise and a large amount of toxic exhaust gas leakage.
Catholic Psychoenergetic Antenna, 2021, 100 x 130 cm, ink and gold on paper.
This device works on the basis of scalar waves, which affect the electromagnetic nature of the human mind. It allows to transmit and receive psychoenergetic waves. This time-linked electrodynamics makes it possible to control people’s thinking by putting them into a hypnogogic trance. This can occur wherever specific scalar patterns overlap in certain zones, resulting in the interference of two longitudinal waves. The desired trance of the affected persons is a specific kind of pseudo-hallucination, allowing to induce a deep desire to be part of the community of believers.
The transmission of these waves allows for direct mental suggestion to persons exposed to their effects, who do not stand any chance of defending themselves. Moreover, the affected person is convinced that the beneficial effects come from his own mind. The interference is unexpected and manifests itself in an irresistible feeling of happiness and love, both for God and Jesus Christ and for the Pope and the highest clergy. At last, there is a real hope of achieving a direct influence of the highest representatives of the Vatican on the population of the whole world, that is, not only on the faithful, but especially on those who are not yet under the control of the Catholic Church. It is literally a revolution in the spiritual struggle to save not only the true faith, but literally all of mankind.
The overall performance of the antenna is reinforced by special spiritual rituals through which the device is kept running. The observance of strict rules is overseen by the closest circle of insiders, primarily the cardinals reporting directly to the Pope.
The maximum intensity of the transmission is enhanced by the religious design. Its perfect and precise shapes allow the emanation of psychoenergetic interference through perfectly artistic and crafted details, elaborated by true masters from exclusive materials such as precious metals, precious minerals, pearls, meteorites, as well as ivory and authentic relics of saints.
Miraculous Spring, 2020, 100 x 130 cm, ink on paper.
The beam splitting polarizer is a modification of the Tesla scalar interferometer.
Thanks to the extremely powerful Moray generators, the polarizer is able to change the polarity of the cardinal points in the meridian direction, i.e., from east to west and vice versa.
The polarity of the Earth can be changed by sending a scalar field pulse from polarizers in a pulse mode. The impulse is sent to the ionosphere and from there back to the Earth’s surface to the target area. This desired goal can be achieved through a controlled change in the excited electromagnetic voltage of the Earth’s surface in the given area.
Alternative NHL logos, 2021, 78 x 106 cm, ink on paper.
Design for the construction of the Vajra Plane, 78 x 106 cm, ink on paper.

Design for the construction of the Vajra Plane, 2017, 3 x – 80 x 110 cm, ink on paper. In the middle is a woodblock matrix.

Design for the construction of the Vajra Plane, 2017, 80 x 110 cm, woodcut on Chinese handmade paper.
Vajra Plane
Vajra Plane – a riding and flying vehicle. It is powered by two thunderbolts integrated into thesupporting structure of the chassis.
Each thunderbolt consists of the following:
a. An axle consisting of a sphere-shaped diamond forming a core in the center of the axis,
which is the main energy source of the vehicle. Furthermore, of two drive shafts to which
the diamond is attached by means of half-axle joints, allowing the transmission of speed
and torque between the shaft and the diamond at different angles, while maintaining a
constant angular velocity.
b. Wheels consisting of nine ribs. These are a direct product of the excitation energy of the
diamond. This energy is excited into nine high-energy beams similar to electric
discharges. The strongest of these flows directly from the cavities inside the drive shafts
and continues as a light stream in the direction of the axis of the axle. The remaining eight
high-energy beams are fired in the form of high-frequency discharges from a rotating
diamond optical bearing at the end of the drive shafts. These bearings have two functions.
On the one hand, because of their rotation they drive the vehicle in all directions, but
mainly because of the diamonds inside the bearing, they bend the eight high-energy beams
so that they join at the outer end of the wheel again into one beam that can produce
lightning, driving the vehicle in the desired direction.
Therefore, the thunderbolt vehicle is able to use energy that is on the one hand essentially
inexhaustible and on the other hand is so powerful that it makes the vehicle to move up to the
speed of light.
Vajra (dorje) is a Sanskrit word meaning „diamond“ (indestructible) or „thunderbolt“. In
Buddhism, the word vajra is also used to denote a ritual object that is often used in tantric
In the Hindu mythology, the vajra is the weapon of Indra, the Indian Vedic rain and thunder-
deity and King of the Vedas. It is a very powerful weapon which combines the properties of a
sword, a mace and a spear.
Clockwork Orange, 2020, 60 x 60 cm, ink and tempera on paper,