Jiří Černický (born 1 August 1966, Ústí nad Labem, Czechoslovakia) is a Czech visual artist
who is known as an author of experimental intermedia projects. His work often moves
between various media and it is not entirely clear which medium prevails – whether video art,
visual poetry or photography. His work is often characterized by a social and political
commitment associated with the violating of social taboos.
In 1997 he graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague in the Departments of Miloš
Šejn and Jiří David. He also studied at the Pedagogical Faculty of the Jan Evangelista
Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem and at the Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design
in Prague in the Department of Adéla Matasová.
Jiří Černický is a winner of the Jindřich Chalupecký Award, the Soros Award and the 48th
October Salon Award (in Belgrade, Serbia). He was a finalist for the Alice Francis Award.

For a long time his presence on the art scene has been very radical and conspicuous. The
common basis of his often very disparate projects can be most aptly described as fictional
scenarios. Černický subsequently concentrates these in various media, which he often
combines within complex exhibition constellations. He confidently alternates between easel
painting and objects, video and photography. He uses strategies based on action art as well as
new media technologies. He does not avoid strong emotions, social criticism and prediction of
the future. Just as he unsettles the sharp dividing line between reality and fiction, he
undermines and liberates unbearable pathos through ironic humor. Černický’s equilibristic
skill at balancing all these components has protected his projects from the risk of an empty
morality, a too obvious wit or a convoluted boredom.

Lives in Prague, Czech Republic.

1993–1997 – Academy of Fine Arts, Prague
1990–1993 – Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design, Prague

2020 – Main Prize of the Graphic Art of the Year, The Vladimír Boudník Award
2012 – Finalist of the Alice Francis Award
2007 – 48th October Salon Award, Beograd, Serbia
1998 – The Jindřich Chalupecký Award, Prague
1996 – The Soros Award, Prague

Solo Exhibitions

2024 Tales of Sleepless Nights, Platforma 15 Gallery, Prague
Realization of a monument to the composer Viktor Ullmann in Ústí nad Labem.
2023 Krabat’s Apartment, Miroslav Kubík Gallery, Litomyšl
Real Visions of the Oracle, NoD, Prague
Weed of the Tartan, Špejchar Gallery, Chomutov
Two Decimal Points in the Middle of a Sentence, Trafačka Gallery, Prague
Born in Fire, Triennale di Milano, Milan, Italy
2022 Self-Breathing, Josef Sudek Studio, Prague
Contemplation of Activists, Michaela and Jiří Černický, Cifra Gallery, Bohemian Switzerland
Magical News (Esotery of the Sloths), Michaela and Jiří Černický, North Bohemian Gallery of Fine Arts in Litoměřice
2021 Kinetic Architecture, Luxfer Gallery, Česká Skalice
Dharmanautica 4300 A.D., with Pavel Pepperstein, DSC Gallery, Prague
2020 The Future of Snow, Via Art Gallery, Prague
2019 Iconoclast, Ján Koniarek Gallery in Trnava, Slovakia
Nobody Readable, Kunsthale CCC Beijing, China
Other Kind of Painting, New Gallery, Prague
Jiří Černický, Masna Gallery, Slavonice
2018 With a Kite at One’s Back, Futura Gallery, Prague
Trump versus Godzilla, DSC Gallery, Prague
Spiritualist Science, Arsenał Gallery, Białystok, Poland
Aviary for Aircraft, Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Rijeka, Croatia
2017 New Energy of Stars, video installation, New Stage of the National Theater, Prague
Total Global, Čermák Eisenkraft Gallery, Prague (with Milan Kunc)
War Zone, Gallery of Modern Art in Roudnice nad Labem, Czech Republic (with Pavel Kopřiva)
Spiritualist Science, Chapel Gallery, Valašské Meziříčí, Czech Republic
2016 Wild Dreams, Galerie Rudolfinum, Prague
Methodical Dreams, Kunsthalle Košice, Slovakia
2015 Dangerous Paintings on Paper, Kavka Book Gallery, Prague
Real Minimalism, Josef Sudek Gallery, Prague
Steel Head, Plató Gallery, Ostrava, Czech Republic
Dolby Painting – Conquest of Dante’s Hell by Thor Heyerdahl, Adam Gallery, Brno, Czech Republic
2014 The Day Snow Fell on a Burning Field, SPZ Gallery, Prague
The Image that Looks like a Painting, Fokus Café, Ústí nad Labem, Czech Republic
2013 Dolby Painting, Dvorak Sec Contemporary Gallery, Prague
2010 Kefir Path, Woxart Gallery, Prague
The Gagarin Thing, Václav Špála Gallery, Prague
Minimally Intensive, Town Gallery, Blansko, Czech Republic
ABS, Muzeum Jed(y)nygo obiektu Toruń, Poland
2009 Things I am not Sorry for, V. Löffler Museum, Košice, Slovakia
IFO Archive, Josef Sudek Studio, Prague
2008 ABS Video, Space Gallery, Cleveland, USA
Well, one never does the most important things anyway…, Emil Filla Gallery, Ústí nad Labem, Czech Republic
2007 ABS Video, Futura Gallery, Prague
You, Artsdepot Gallery, London, UK (with Tereza Severová)
ABS Video, Galleria Traghetto, Venezia, Italy
ABS Video, The Brno House of Art, Brno, Czech Republic
2006 Bindings, Die Aktualität des Schönen Gallery, Liberec, Czech Republic
Pincushions, Steinek Gallery, Vienna, Austria
2005 ABS Story, Jiří Švestka Gallery, Prague
The Gagarin Thing, Vivid Centre for Media Arts, Birmingham, UK
2003 Spirit of the East in the West, Sokolská Gallery, Ostrava, Czech Republic
2002 Brand New Rubbish, Jiří Švestka Gallery, Prague
Bin Laden’s Lamp, Noname Gallery, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Au-Pair Medusa’s Room, Lara Vincy Gallery, Paris, France
2001 META Pop, Miroslav Kraljević Gallery, Zagreb, Croatia
Hard Pop Expo, MAMA Gallery, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
2000 Czech Front Gallery, Los Angeles, USA
The Luxury of Grief, Post Gallery, Los Angeles, USA
Bin Laden’s Lamp, Václav Špála Gallery, Prague
1999 Barock, Allergic, Prague City Gallery, Czech Republic
1998 Gentleman’s Room, Polish Sculpture Center, Orońsko, Poland; Akademie der Künste, Berlin, Germany
1996 St. Game, Emil Filla Gallery, Ústí nad Labem, Czech Republic
The Art, Pecka Gallery, Prague
1991 Apartment Border, Ústí nad Labem, Czech Republic (with Pavel Kopřiva)
Exhibition, Little Gallery, Liberec, Czech Republic (with Pavel Kopřiva)

Selected Group Exhibitions

2024 Ride, Center for Contemporary Art EPO1 in Turnov
2023 The Principle of Heraclitus, Gallery of Modern Art in Roudnice nad Labem
Fear, Laughter and Death, Čáslav Rubber Plant, Čáslav
Kunsthalle CCC Peking, Czech Cubism, curator, Beijing, China
2022 Heroin Crystal, Nineties Generation, Prague City Gallery
Wuhan Biennale, Art as Transport Communication, China
Czechoslovenia, Ptuj City Gallery, Slovenia
Gardening of Soul, House of Arts in Ústí nad Labem
4 + 4 Days in Motion, international festival of contemporary art, Esprit Smíchov Sports Center, Prague
2021 Nicht-Museum zeitgemäßer Kunst Dresden, Neumarkt Dresden, Dresden, Germany
Nova Forma 1, industrial area of the Čáslav Rubber Plant, Čáslav
Artrooms Moravany – The Future of the Wheel, Moravany nad Váhom Château, Slovakia
Mikulov Art Symposium – Diopters of Medusa, Mikulov
Signal Festival – Archaic Topicalities, The Karlín Barracks, Prague
Disturbed Balance Revisited, House of Arts in Ústí nad Labem
2020 Exhibition of Czech Glass, 8smička Gallery, Humpolec
Graphic Art of the Year, Vladimír Boudník Award, Imperial Stables of Prague Castle, Prague
Distant Nature, Knoll Gallery, Vienna
2019 Boudník, Moravian Gallery, Brno
Orient V, Prague City Gallery, Prague
Retina, Possibilities of Painting, 8smička Gallery, Humpolec
Velvet Exhibition, Emil Filla Gallery, Ústí nad Labem
The Power of the Powerless, Kunsthalle Bratislava, Slovakia
2018 Conditions of Impossibility VI/VII: Technical Detail, Foundation and Center for Contemporary Art Prague + Cursor Gallery, Prague
Salm Modern #1: Dimensions of Dialogue, National Gallery in Prague – Salm Palace, Prague
OBJEKTívne, Kunsthalle Bratislava, Slovakia
Utopus ČSR + Time for New Utopias, Spiš Artists’ Gallery, Spišská Nová Ves, Slovakia
Energy of the Initial Line – Gesture, Rhythm, Movement in Contemporary Czech Art, The Gallery of Modern Art, Hradec Králové, Czech Republic
Textile Tribute – Textile within the Context of Art, 8mička Gallery, Humpolec, Czech Republic
Paneland – Moravian Gallery, Brno, Czech Republic
Alienation in the Dictionary Definition – Emil Filla Gallery, Ústí nad Labem, Czech Republic
View from V4, Art Thema Gallery, Brussels, Belgium
2017 The Black, New Gallery, Prague
Panel Apartment House, Moravian Gallery, Brno, Czech Republic
Soulful Interiors, West Bohemian Gallery in Pilsen, Masné krámy exhibition hall, Pilsen, Czech Republic
Tribes, Moravian Gallery, Brno, Czech Republic
Recycling Ideologies, Emil Filla Gallery, Ústí nad Labem, Czech Republic
Extended Painting – contemporary painting from Prague, Bačva Gallery, Zagreb, Croatia
2016 Writing the City, Prague 4 + 4 Days in Motion, Prague
Komercionál; performance “Nobody Readable”, Gallery of Modern Art in Roudnice nad Labem, Czech Republic
Irreversible Shift, The Brno House of Art, Czech Republic
2015 From the Floor, Emil Filla Gallery, Ústí nad Labem, Czech Republic
Performance – Diverting the Danube from Hungary, presentation of the project to transform the existing filter in the area of Dolní Vítkovice, National Gallery in Prague, Czech Republic
2014 7th New Zlín Salon 2014, Regional Gallery of Fine Arts in Zlín, Czech Republic
The Day Snow Fell on a Burning Field, Gallery of Fine Art in Cheb (Eger), Czech Republic
Charlie’s Proun, Tutti Frutti Festival of Contemporary Art and Culture, Bratislava, Slovakia
Works on Paper, Fanatics of Paper, Dvorak Sec Contemporary Gallery, Prague
Real Minimalism, About the Chair, 2014 Biennial of Photography and Visual Art in Liege, Belgium
2013 Arts under Influences, La Maison Rouge, Paris, France
2012 Islands of Resistance, National Gallery in Prague, Czech Republic
The Beginning of the Century, West Bohemian Gallery in Pilsen, Czech Republic
AVIFF Cannes, France
AVIFF Marrakesh Film Festival, Morocco
AVIFF South Africa – Grahamstown – National Arts Festival, South Africa
2011 Images of the Mind, German Hygiene Museum in Dresden, Germany
Moravian Gallery in Brno, Czech Republic
Inter-View 2, Nitra Gallery, Nitra, Slovakia
Mutating Medium, Photography in Czech Art 1990–2010, Galerie Rudolfinum, Prague
Recycling, Nod Roxy, Prague
2010 Planet Eden, The Brno House of Art, Brno, Czech Republic; DOX Center for Contemporary Art, Prague
Economy of Unwanted Amity, Karlín Studios, Prague
Prize-Winners of 20 years – Jindřich Chalupecký Award 2010, DOX Center for Contemporary Art, Prague
What’s Missing, GUM Studio, Carrara, Italy
Minimal Difference, White Box Gallery, New York, USA
Format of Transformations, House of the Lords of Kunštát, Brno, Czech Republic
Format of Transformations 89–09, MUSA Museum auf Abruf, Vienna, Austria
A Part of No-Part, Parallelisms between Then and Now, Chelsea Art Museum, New York, USA
City Dreamer, Emil Filla Gallery, Ústí nad Labem, Czech Republic
Absurd? Grotesque? Irony?, Nod Roxy, Prague
2009 Czech Photography of the 20th Century, Kunst und Ausstellungshalle der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Bonn, Germany
Fourteen S, DOX Center for Contemporary Art, Prague
Hell of Things, Kronika Gallery, Bytom, Poland
2008 Reflecting Words, Museum of Czech Literature, Prague
Ultra, Zdeněk Sklenář Gallery, Prague
Performance – “Nobody Readable”, Zen Buddhist Temple in Changchun, China
Social Dialogue, Motorenhalle, Dresden, Germany
Place in the Heart, Arsenal Gallery, Bialystok, Poland
What do you do for a living?, <rotor>, Graz, Austria
Rebus sic stantibus, Aboa Vetus & Ars Nova Museum, Turku, Finland
Central Europe Revisited, Esterhazy Castle, Eisenstadt, Austria
Loophole to the Universe, Divus Unit 30, London, UK
2007 Art & Criticism, ICA, Dunaujvaros, Hungary
Demolition, The Israeli Center for Digital Art, Holon, Israel
Micro-Narratives, 48th October Salon, Beograd, Serbia, Castello Di Rivara, Italy
Close Encounters of the Third Kind, Urania National Movie Theatre, Budapest, Hungary
Gross Domestic Product, Prague City Gallery, Czech Republic
Form Follows Risk, Futura Gallery, Prague
National Gallery, Bratislava, Slovakia
2006 Frisbee, Sokolská Gallery, Ostrava, Czech Republic
Hotel Chalupecký, Motorenhalle, Dresden, Germany
Après Dada?, Lara Vincy Gallery, Paris, France
Shadows of Humor, Bielska Gallery, Bielsko Biala, Poland
Places for Small Stories, Palazzo delle Arti di Napoli, Naples, Italy
Hot / Cold? — Summer Loving, Zacheta National Gallery of Art, Warsaw, Poland
Shadows of Humor, Avantgarde Gallery, Wroclaw, Poland
2005 Cultural Domestication / Instinctual Desire, Center for the Visual Arts Gallery, Toledo, USA
Czech Photography of the 20th Century, Prague City Gallery, Czech Republic
Prague Biennale 2: Expanded Painting, Karlín Hall, Prague
Nature’s Mirror, Otowa, Tokyo, Japan
Domicile, Musee d’Art Moderne, Saint Etienne, France
The Giving Person, Palazzo delle Arti Napoli, Naples, Italy
2004 I Grandi Magazzini dell’Arte, Palazzo delle Papesse, Centro Arte Contemporanea, Siena, Italy
E.U. Positive, Akademie der Künste, Berlin, Germany
Dialogue Los Angeles / Prague, Barnsdall Municipal Art Gallery, Los Angeles, USA
Turning the Page, Kogart, Budapest, Hungary
Passage d’Europe, Musee d’Art Moderne, Saint Etienne, France
Suit Yourself!, Museum for Communication, The Hague, The Netherlands
2003 Balkan Konsulat, <rotor>, Graz, Austria
Aus Liebe, Die Generation der neuziger Jahre aus Prag, Landesmuseum Bonn, Germany
Prague Biennale 1, National Gallery – Trade Fair Palace, Prague
Elektrobot, Home Gallery, Prague
Exhibition on the Body of Nehad Bogdanović, Man Gallery, Serbia
2002 Centrum Beeldende Kunst, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Corps et traces, Musee des Beaux-Arts, Nancy, France
40 years: Fluxus and the Consequences (40 Jahre: Fluxus und die Folgen), Kunstsommer Wiesbaden, Karstadt, Wiesbaden, Germany
Art Dans la Ville, Hotel Colcombet, Saint-Etienne, France
Werkstatt Junge Akademie, Akademie der Künste Berlin, Germany
2001 A Sense of Well-Being, Palace of the Imperial Thermal Baths, Karlovy Vary (Carlsbad), Czech Republic
Triennial of Small-Scale Sculpture, Fellbach, Germany
Youth Salon, Zagreb Fair Building, Zagreb, Croatia
2000 East of Eden, Wyspa Gallery, Gdansk, Poland
Actual Infinity, Prague City Gallery, Czech Republic
Bohemian Birds – Positions of Czech Contemporary Art, Kunsthaus Dresden, Germany
Story, Rock Club Roxy, Prague
The End of the World, National Gallery – Trade Fair Palace, Prague
Place and Between, Bergen, Norway
All You Need is Love, Laznia Center of Polish Art, Gdansk, Poland
1999 After the Wall, Moderna Museet, Stockholm, Sweden; Ludwig Museum, Budapest, Hungary; Hamburger Bahnhof, Berlin, Germany
Against All – The Chalupecký Award Winners, Central Exhibition Hall ‘Manege’, Moscow, Russia
Czech Landscape, Kunsthalle Karlsruhe, Germany
Flirting with the Foreigners, Czech Centre, London, UK
Fauna, Zacheta National Gallery of Art, Warsaw, Poland
Rondo, Ludwig Museum Budapest, Hungary
1998 Developed, Czech Center, Berlin, Germany
Czech Landscape, Museum of Contemporary Art, Altkirch, France
1997 Born ’68, Czech Center, Berlin, Germany
1996 Dawn of the Magicians, National Gallery – Trade Fair Palace, Prague
Respect, Villa Richter, Prague
1995 Crossing of Meridians, Monastery in Plasy, Czech Republic
Test Run, Mánes Gallery, Prague
1993 Landscape, Prague City Gallery, Czech Republic