Bibliophilia of Poems by Michel Butort
Collaboration with Michaela Cernicka.
Michel Butor
The conception of illustration-attacks into the Michel Butor ´s text poetry, based on the radical symbiosis of the text together with the image, is based on urgency and emotianal power of the text itself. The image ( = drawing ) should directly mingle with the words. A fine web of drawing lines, reminiscents rather a copperplate, shall almost entering letters. The image shall not complement or exemplify the text, but it should „breath“ together with the text.
The authors of the concept and illustrations are Michaela and Jiri Cernicky.
The visual similarity of drawings becomes close to items like a stamp, a bank-note or a security. It is something close to currency relating to a global context. That ´s why the „frame“ lining poem is perforated. It encourages for secession and to transfer somewhere else, to manipulation pointing to other persons – to interaction between them…