Stroke by Proun


Stroke by Proun, 2010, approx. 50 x 40 cm, Velcro, silicone.


Tah prounem

Stroke by Proun

Stroke by Proun is, one might say, an ideological battle between two artistic, radical elemental symbols. On the one hand, the expressionist brushstroke; and on the other, Proun, after El Lissitzky (the basic element of constructivism). It is thus the clash of emotion and rationality.


Tah Prounem

Stroke by Proun.

Proun, as a dynamic abstract constructivist unit, is represented by one side of the Velcro. The tachisme influenced brushstroke is gesturally applied to the other side of the Velcro. It is therefore up to the artist as to what position or constellation he presses both avant-garde principles into.



Tahy Prouny

Strokes by Prouns

Tahy Prouny

Stroke by Proun