White Tower


The White Tower, 2020, 3D film, duration 5 min

 The animated short film The White Tower is usually presented together with the film Putinka. Both films are inspired by some storied by E. A. Poe. Their atmosphere is therefore mysterious, magical and even slightly horrific. The hero of both films is an unknown person (a stalker, a journalist, an assassin, a terrorist…) who tries to unravel the mystery of somebody famous and powerful at first sight. For this purpose, our hero uses a drone because it is impossible to approach this almost superhuman mythical being thanks to the protective zone around him. What both films have in common is that even when the hero gets very close to that powerful person thanks to his spy device, he has almost no chance to see beneath the surface, because each time he finds that the secret of power has deeper and darker connections that soon inevitably lead to the drone’s destruction. These connections come from an incomprehensible manipulation of the laws of nature that seem to work in favor of the person being watched…